This speed will vary based on your activity. Frequency table on Intel Power Gadget will tell you current CPU speed. Once installed, run Intel Power Gadget from Applications just like any other application In Security and Privacy System Preferences, you need to click Allow (allowed) Intel Power Gadget can be installed on MacOS Select the package and follow the installation instructions. Download Intel Power Gadget directly from Intel's site Ideally, you should use Intel's Power Gadget tool. On macOS, to check the current and maximum CPU speed you also need specialized software. Link to download CPU-Z software: CPU Z - Download CPU-Z 1.94: Check CPU, computer configuration How to check current and maximum CPU speed on macOS

This number will reach the maximum when you render graphics or play games at max setting. When dealing with games or graphics applications, Core Speed increases. Looking at the Core Speed result, you will see the current CPU speed. To know this, you must use third-party software. The manufacturer rarely publishes the typical and maximum CPU speed on a computer. How to check the current speed and maximum CPU speed in Windows The CPU speed of your device will appear next to the name of the CPU

Select About This Mac from the menu that appears Click the Apple logo in the upper left corner of the screen This method works on all versions of macOS. Your computer's CPU speed should show up in the window that just appears Regardless of the operating system, the next step you need to do is right-click (or press and hold with a touchscreen device) on the result and then select Properties. In Windows 10, the operating system will display This PC. In Windows 7 and 8 you should see My PC in the results box. Press the Windows button then enter My PC

This method is applicable to Windows 7, 8, and 10. Windows and macOS have different methods of testing CPU base speed. Usually the CPU can run faster but this is the lowest speed your CPU can provide. Base speed is the standard speed your CPU provides during use.